Purpose :
- To explore various perspectives before coming to an informed decision
- To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue (‘for’ points and ‘against’ points)
- Opening statement presenting the issue
- Arguments or evidence for different points of view (pros and cons)
- Concluding recommendation
Sex education means that education encompasses all aspects of sexuality, including information on family planning, reproduction (fertilization, conception and development of the fetus and the fetus, to child), plus information on all aspects including one of sexuality: body image, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexual infections and how to avoid them, and birth control methods.
Currently parents are arguing why sex education plans would be given to high school classes, not even a recana because some high schools already have sex education lessons. In the debate that some parents who agreed and disagreed with the inclusion of sex education as a school subject.
According to the opinion of parents who do not agree with the existence of a sex education class in high school is because it would only make children become curious and wanted to try and not something that will only make the poor child is older than time.
According to the opinion of parents who agree with the existence of a sex education lessons at secondary school is to to reduce out of wedlock children, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, and emotional and physical welfare among young people, promoting the desire to get married, usually to avoid all discussion of contraception
Among the pros and cons of the above in my opinion, why sex education is given high school? Because knowledge of adolescents about sexuality is still very low. Therefore, the necessary efforts to popularize sex education to teenagers. Programs of sex education started rolling, and some even argue that sex education should be provided as early as possible. If necessary, on the bench there any preschool curriculum specifically discussing about sex education. sex education is the teaching effort, awareness, and information about sexual matters given to the child since he understands the problems associated with sex, instinct, and marriage. That way, if the child has grown, he will be able to know the problems that unlawful and lawful. In addition the purposes of sex education in schools is to reduce the pregnancy rate outside of marriage.
Here is video about "Sex Education" you can watch and enjoy :
Source :
- WWW.YOUTUBE.COM (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRDOk9UEVUw)
1 Komentar:
Pada 15 Mei 2019 pukul 02.05 ,
Adele mengatakan...
I hear the same story all the time, and you've probably heard it too:
A woman who is sexually repressed and disinterested in her man, with a long list of things she won't do in bed or that she thinks are "gross"... ends up cheating or finds herself dating a new guy, and suddenly she is insatiable and enthusiastically doing EVERYTHING she used to swear she would never do!
And it happens in reverse too. A woman who used to be sexually WILD settles down with the man she thinks is "husband material" and loses all interest in sex-- and even believes that it's just natural and normal for her stage of life.
What's really going on here is that there is a hidden sexual trigger inside every woman's brain, and when it's switched off, it's very hard for her to feel any enthusiasm or interest in sex at all, and when it's switched on...
Watch out! She turns into a wild animal of lust and desire!
Sex coach and author Alex Allman calls it "The Playmate Switch," because when it's flipped ON, it triggers a woman's sexual side as well as her more playful, mischievous, flirty, and fun side.
What switches it on?
Novelty (a new guy she hasn't been with before), danger, forbidden romance, fun flirting... all of these things can easily flip it on temporarily...
But the reliable, biological, and long-term control over her Playmate Switch has to do with YOUR male behaviors-- behaviors that many men either repress or simply lose touch with over time.
Allman insists that this stuff is simple and natural, but it takes a level of sexual confidence and a willingness to actually try.
He's trained dozens of men to quickly overcome their anxieties around this issue, and to almost instantly start getting the kind of natural attraction and fun, sexy attention that they thought was only a fantasy.
>>> You can find out more about how to flip YOUR woman's Playmate Switch here <<<
And one more thing that Alex Allman wants to make sure that you know, because he says so many men get this backwards:
Women are ON YOUR SIDE when it comes to flipping their Playmate Switch!
They love it, it's natural, fun, sexy, and beautiful for them to have those feelings and emotions around you. They are rooting for you to figure this out!
Some men, especially men who have repressed this side of themselves for a long time and have suffered at the hands of women rejecting them because of it, find that fact hard to believe.
They'd RATHER try some kind of manipulation because it's so hard for them to believe that they could get a woman's sexual attention authentically.
Alex Allman wants to prove it to you!
>>> Check it out here to see for yourself <<<
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