Flood is a disaster due to high rainfall in the channel is not matched with adequate drainage so that soaking areas that are not desired by the people who were there. Floods can also occur because fall water flow system is so low areas affected by floods shipment. Flood as if it never stopped plagued the country. Various regions as if it was never able to cope with floods that come every year. And do not count the amount of money that was spent in anticipation of flooding.
Flooding process needs to be seen from the three characters forming the flood, the character of rain, rain catchment character, and characters carrier stream flow into the estuary. First, the characters do not just see rain rain amount (in the form of a flash intensity or rain), but also long rains and the distribution of rain in the catchment area.
Secondly, the characters are influenced by catchment land cover (soil properties, vegetation characteristics, density of infrastructure, micro-drainage system functions). Rain catchment area in the thirteen main rivers flowing into the North Coast Jakarta generally located on low lying areas and intensity of land use is relatively high, so the surface flow coefficient tend to be large. Disruption of the upstream areas of forest are certainly contributed to flood events, but also a time of drought, because the bare forest conditions will cause the distribution pattern of the flow in the river becomes increasingly less than ideal (too high in the rainy season and too low in the dry season).
Third, the character of the bearer flow path consisting of the micro system of rain water drainage network allegedly less than ideal (the number, capacity, function or less in accordance with rain burden which also happened to be abnormal). Become increasingly complex problems with the macro system availability not long ago planned that have not / do not be built (among other things: the settlement of East Canal Flood channels, capacity building “Pintu Air Manggarai”, increased channel capacity Channel Flood West, normalization Ciliwung River, Kali Pesanggrahan Structuring, and forth.
The solution seems to be taken include many things, including the arrangement of catchment areas, as well as increased capacity and performance of the channel network at micro and macro systems. Another step Jakarta flood settlement by building on the land space for the water park (Jakarta Deep Tunnel) as well as Storm Sewer in the Chicago area should be considered more carefully, or at least put it on the next priority after the solution to the accumulation of adequate surface water is completed. Build as many as there is not a guarantee since there are generally capacity small and limited water depth, thus contributing to the damping peak of the flood was not a lot.
Here is video you can watch :
Flooding process needs to be seen from the three characters forming the flood, the character of rain, rain catchment character, and characters carrier stream flow into the estuary. First, the characters do not just see rain rain amount (in the form of a flash intensity or rain), but also long rains and the distribution of rain in the catchment area.
Secondly, the characters are influenced by catchment land cover (soil properties, vegetation characteristics, density of infrastructure, micro-drainage system functions). Rain catchment area in the thirteen main rivers flowing into the North Coast Jakarta generally located on low lying areas and intensity of land use is relatively high, so the surface flow coefficient tend to be large. Disruption of the upstream areas of forest are certainly contributed to flood events, but also a time of drought, because the bare forest conditions will cause the distribution pattern of the flow in the river becomes increasingly less than ideal (too high in the rainy season and too low in the dry season).
Third, the character of the bearer flow path consisting of the micro system of rain water drainage network allegedly less than ideal (the number, capacity, function or less in accordance with rain burden which also happened to be abnormal). Become increasingly complex problems with the macro system availability not long ago planned that have not / do not be built (among other things: the settlement of East Canal Flood channels, capacity building “Pintu Air Manggarai”, increased channel capacity Channel Flood West, normalization Ciliwung River, Kali Pesanggrahan Structuring, and forth.
The solution seems to be taken include many things, including the arrangement of catchment areas, as well as increased capacity and performance of the channel network at micro and macro systems. Another step Jakarta flood settlement by building on the land space for the water park (Jakarta Deep Tunnel) as well as Storm Sewer in the Chicago area should be considered more carefully, or at least put it on the next priority after the solution to the accumulation of adequate surface water is completed. Build as many as there is not a guarantee since there are generally capacity small and limited water depth, thus contributing to the damping peak of the flood was not a lot.
Here is video you can watch :